Throughout the primary and now convention season, I have received two or three emails per week, forwarded by parishoners, purporting to tell "the truth" about Barack Obama. Those that include citations of their sources invariably come from Fox News, James Dobson or Rush Limbaugh. More of them are simply anonymous. The messages recount how Sen. Obama makes fun of the Bible (Dobson). How he holds Kenyan citizenship (Limbaugh). How he attended a Moslem school as a boy (Fox News). The anonymous ones are, of course, even more enthusiastic and absurd. Obama trained as a terrorist. He's a member of a Moslem cult. My favorites are the ones that within one message make the Moslem accusation,
and criticize him for his membership in Trinity Church (supporting
that preacher, of course). Can't beat that! And, of course, there are the "Michelle hates America" ones, and the "Obama won't wear a flag pin or put his hand over his heart during the Pledge of Allegiance or national anthem" business. (I wish that last one was true, as it seems to me just about time that someone in this faith pointed out that when the Ten Commandments that are so cherished by the right wingers say that there are to be no other allegiances but to God, and no graven images to be worshipped, that means the ones we like as well as those we don't; ours, as well as other peoples'. Perhaps, intead of simply seeking to post them in courtrooms, classrooms and in public squares, they should try
reading the Commandments?)
On my better days, it breaks my heart that good people will accept, unquestioningly, the pronouncements of people who set themselves up as oracles.
On more days, I marvel that some people never seem to have a thought until Dobson or Limbaugh fart. Yes, that is, indeed, a "head up their ass" reference.
My deepest anger over this nonsense is that it is coming from groups that present themselves to the world as Christian. No one else would make the Moslem accusations.
The last time I checked, there is nothing illegal about being a Moslem in America. I know several. They have been guests in my home, and in my churches. After 9-11, I participated in several community meetings with leaders of Moslem congregations near where I was serving at the time. But those who pass on this garbage know their audience. And as though it's not enough for that crowd that Obama is seen as a black man (odd, as he is just as white as he is black, but that's America--any drop of "black blood" and you're "marked"), they seek to define him as Moslem.
Here's the thing: he is a brother in Christ.
Regardless of November's vote totals, "Christian" people in this country are denying a member of the family. They are cutting him out of the body of Christ. They are rejecting his baptism and his profession of faith in Jesus Christ. They are dismissing his discipleship, his marriage before the altar of God, and his commitment to raise his children in the Christian faith.
In short, they are putting their own souls at risk.
And they are selling their souls for nothing more lasting or valuable than political advantage.
Obama is not Jesus Christ, but these persecutors are Pontius Pilate. They know full well that Obama is a Christian, and they condemn him anyway. Wash your hands as much as you want, it doesn't change what you are doing, or what you are.
Remember, brothers and sisters, that you stand before God. You will have to answer for your actions. And attempting to injure a member of the family, in Jesus' own words, leads to such unpleasant consequences that millstones around the neck in deep water would be preferable.
Debate the issues. Vote for who you want. But deny a fellow Christian? The truth is not in you!