Wednesday, April 18, 2007


How does a 23 year old man decide that life isn't worth living?
How does that 23 year old become so angry that he decides to take as many people with him as possible?
How does a college president fail to close his school after two murders in a dormitory?
How does that college president keep his job after that failure to close results in 31 more deaths?
How do college-aged people ever learn to trust and feel secure after watching friends and teachers gunned down before their eyes?
How do parents get through a day when they know there are multiple murders on their kid's college campus, but they can't get hold of their kid or get the names of the dead and wounded?
How do we call ourselves civilized when we continue to tolerate this sick, sick, sick gun culture?
How does God let it happen?
How do you counsel the survivors?
How do you stick a camera and microphone in their faces and ask young people how they feel after witnessing such a thing?
How do you explain it all to children?
How do we get better?
How do we do better?
How do we fix our souls?
How do we pray?
How do we not?
God, be with the Virginia Tech family today.

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