Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Therapeutic Ranting

We are in just one hell of a mess.
We have a Vice President who is a bald-faced liar, continuing to perpetuate the complete and total fiction that Iraq was in bed with Al Qaeda in the planning and execution of the September 11, 2001 attacks.
We have an Attorney General who is either profoundly brain damaged, or another bald-faced liar, contending through his obfuscation that the United States Congress has no oversight role in the function of our government.
We have a couple of new Supreme Court justices who have tipped the balance in favor of the lunatic fringe, laying the groundwork just this summer for a return to the idiotic principle of "Separate but Equal" that never, ever, for even one day, was, in the days of segregated schools.
We have a Congress that lacks the anatomy to do what they were elected to do last November, which was to remove our children from Iraq, and stop killing the children of Iraq.
And all of these points go back to the fact that we have an Occupied White House, held by a man who was never elected to his position, having subverted the constitutional electoral process in 2000 (Florida) and 2004 (Ohio); who appointed people throughout his government who have no discernable principle other than loyalty to their Fakir-in-Chief; who employs his Gomer Pyle persona to persuade the unbelievably gullible that he's just a good ole regular guy; who has destroyed America's historic standing in the world by the implementation of the bullying tactics of history's worst dictators, and who has made us into that pariah in the name of his bizarre interpretation of the Christian faith, which has no basis in scripture or over 2,000 years of tradition; who has, in violation of the Constitution that he swore to uphold, jailed American citizens without due process, counsel or trial; who has, in violation of the Constitution that he swore to uphold, used the CIA within our borders and the FBI outside them; who has, in violation of the Constitution that he swore to uphold, spied on American citizens while refusing to report his activities to the congress; who has, for the first and only time in our history, endorsed and encouraged the use of torture on prisoners in our custody; who has cried wolf over "Impending Terrorist Attacks" every single time that things have gotten a little sticky for him or any of his lackeys due to their abuses of power, incompetence, malfeasance, arrogance and just plain stupidity; who has continued to insist, about his half-assed, failed policy in Iraq, that we "just give it time" to work, and this, when his war has already lasted longer than it took FDR, Truman, Eisenhower and MacArthur to liberate Europe, Africa and Asia from the Axis Powers (the REAL Axis of Evil); and who persists in all this in spite of the fact that America has turned its collective back on him, declaring that he is the worst President we have ever seen.
And, perhaps worst of all, this gang of thugs and miscreants have gotten away with all of this because our Press has surrendered their obligation to inform, and therefore protect, the public so that they might cover Paris' latest sex tape, Lindsay's latest arrest, Britney's latest meltdown, and who's screwing who in Hollywood tonight. And for this meaningless crap, they forfeit the opportunity to expose the screwing that we, as a nation, have taken for the last six and one-half years.
God help us. Because we still don't seem to feel like helping ourselves.

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