Thursday, September 20, 2007

Who's the Joker?

A Christian theatre group from somewhere in the Red States has taken a stand, stuck their necks out on principle, and taken on.....Kathy Griffin!
Ms. Griffin is a fair-to-middling comedian who had the audacity, or perhaps it was wisdom and insight, to lampoon every self-important, self-absorbed actor, athlete, musician and other public personage who has ever been so full of crap as to thank Jesus for giving them the trophy/touchdown/home run/whatever else it is that is so worshipped in their pathetic lives. She said that Jesus had nothing to do with her receiving some piece of metal and/or plastic that was bestowed upon her a couple of weeks ago with all of the breathlessness that suggested that she, like all the other recipients at that fabulous function had found the antidote to every cancer and cause of war in the world.
The Miracle Theatre (I kid you not!) says that it is time to stand up for Jesus, because it just isn't alright to make fun of Jesus and Christians anymore. They called Ms. Griffin a blasphemer.
Blasphemy is an old charge. It was laid at Jesus' feet, for calling himself the Son of God. Problem: we Christians believe that, indeed, Jesus IS the Son of God. Yes, boys and girls, Jesus was called a blasphemer for telling the truth. Because it was a truth that the arrogant, obstinate and vision-challenged refused to consider, much less accept.
Kathy, you are in wonderful company, and for the same reason!
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, you who are desperate for attention and dying for recognition, if you believe that God makes out the master charts on who goes home with Oscar, Emmy, Grammy or whoever else is in this line, then Kathy Griffin isn't the blasphemer. If you think that God has the over in the Cowboys game, or even the Red Sox over the Yankees, then you don't need to worry about anyone else making fun of Jesus. You've got that covered all on your own.
Dear ostriches, pull your heads out of the sand, or whatever anatomical orifice that houses your brain these days. Our Great Christian Nation is persisting in a war of agression against a nation that did not do anything to us. Our Great Christian President is now responsible for considerably more American deaths than is Osama binLaden. We are ignoring the genocide in Darfur. We are allowing the Taliban to retake Afghanistan. Tens of thousands of children die everyday in this world because we pompous asses will not see to it that they are fed. And you think God is sitting around deciding which actor gave the best performance?
Who mocks God? The comedian who shines light on the dark corners of our lives, and lack of faith, or the Pharisee who condemns everyone who doesn't abide by some arcane and archaic idea about The Rules?
Jesus had an answer for that question, but you probably haven't read it. After all, the commercial break is about over. And Celine Dion is singing one of the nominated songs in the next segment. Who's Gwyneth wearing? Who's George's date? Is that Lindsay barfing on the Red Carpet? Pass the popcorn!

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