Thursday, December 27, 2007

D-Day, Part 1, Part 2

So, the fateful meeting got put off a week...what's a few days amongst friends?
Tonight we got down to business. And they looked at the situation, discussed it, and did everything that needed to be done. As we are so Methodical, there are additional steps for the various aspects of the results. But that said, my committee stepped up and our church grew up a little bit tonight. They are making a very positive salary proposal. They are making an extremely positive staffing request. They are proposing a goal for the new year that is brilliant. They flatly rejected the continuing complaints of the one household (required in each church-and you're really lucky if it's only one) that is unhappy with the current shepherd. In fact, in my 24th year at this task I have never, ever, had a committee take such a strong position against frivolous complaints, and in favor of affirming my work. Their generosity-financial and in spirit-is an energizing experience for the new year.
I had hoped and prayed for the opportunity to stay and work in this community with these good people. We ain't there yet, but we're way down the road in that direction!
Resolution number one comes Sunday afternoon. Stay tuned...

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