Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Troy Davis is going to die in two hours. Davis has been on death row in Georgia for 20 years, convicted of killing a cop. A white cop. Davis is black.
There are a couple of problems here, however. One, there is not now, nor has there ever been, one shred of physical evidence that ties Davis to the murder. And, two, seven of the nine "witnesses" who testified against him have recanted their stories. Want a little more? One of the two witnesses who didn't change stories is held to be the actual shooter by several who testified against Davis. Why'd they lie? It's a textbook case of police misconduct. More than one witness was threatened with lengthy jail terms of their own if they didn't "cooperate" and others were given the chance to identify Davis in ways that any viewer of Law and Order knows to be unconstitutional.
Long story short, Georgia is getting ready to kill another black man, with no more evidence behind them than was held against all those who were lynched a century ago. This, after the Governor of Texas was applauded at the Republican Presidential Debate last week for holding some sort of perverse record for most executions presided over, by all those great Christians who populate the GOP.
I'm sorry, Troy. And I don't see how my life is going to be changed for the better in any way by your death.
But that's not the popular sentiment in our country today.
A lot of people say our country is going to hell in a handbasket.
I say we're already there.

1 comment:

Navhelowife said...

I hadn't really been paying attention - not an excuse, just a fact- but am saddened that people will cling to revenge no matter what..even if they are getting revenge on the wrong person. There are some crimes so hideous that i think death is too good, but my problem then I robbing that person of the chance of redemption? Or do I even have the right person??? (I'm thinking specifically about crimes against kids) I don't know. I struggle with that question.
Still, in this case, there was such a lack of Evidence and Witnesses...yikes.