Sunday, December 16, 2012

Just Stop It!

I cannot comprehend the sense of loss that has overtaken Newtown, Connecticut.  The very idea of 20 six and seven year old children shot repeatedly to death, along with six adults who lived their commitments to children every day, is more than I can or want to get my mind around.  My life is about my children and granddaughter, and my wife who offers speech therapy in a school, my mother who taught elementary school, my sister who home schools her twins, my sister-in-law who teaches day school.  I grieve for the families, but I cannot imagine what they are going through.
But we, in the broader American community, need to shut the hell up.
My president, for whom I have voted twice, just said to them that we are all heartbroken with them, that we are with them, that they are not alone.  He is lying.
Barack Obama has had nothing to say or do about guns in this culture in four years as our president.  The members of Congress have done nothing but the bought and paid for will of the National Rifle Association on the one hand, and cower for fear of an NRA-financed opponent on the other.
We have decided, as a nation, to sell out our ability to send our children to school safely, to go to a movie safely, to attend university safely, to meet our congressional representative or go the grocery safely.  Those who still participate in public worship of whatever god they profess to believe in cannot even go about that worship safely any more.
We cannot go about our lives any more with any reasonable expectation of safety, because we Americans have chosen our god.  It is guns.
Because we men have to have quick and easy access to what Dirty Harry threw around to compensate for our tiny penises, Adam Lanza was able to kill 26 people on Friday.  He did all of it with legal, registered guns that his mom had.  She liked to target shoot.  She became his first target.  He hit that target, repeatedly, before going to school.
Because we citizens have chosen an absurd, utterly bizarre reading of our Constitution that is based on nothing but pandering to the NRA and the mentally ill community that believes that we are mere moments from Stalin-like control by our government, we truly have no problem with what happened in Newtown.  Or Aurora.  Or Wisconsin, Or Columbine, Or Virginia Tech, or...or...or........
We have chosen to allow the world's most successful trade organization, the National Rifle Association, to sponsor, aid and abet every one of these mass murders and any that are percolating for the future, so that their clients can trade their product uninhibited.  Because we have chosen to subscribe to a perverted notion of what constitutes freedom, we just really don't mind when this sort of thing happens.  It is going to happen again.  It probably won't be very far into the future.
And, once again, there will be fake hand-wringing, dishonest tears, a false show of grief and every other kind of bullshit imagineable and un.  But what there will not be is one bit of action that will actually stop this sort of thing from happening again in the days to come.  And happen, and happen, and happen.
Cause I'm a sum-bitchin' 'Murican, and I can have all the sum-bitchin' guns I want! 
Bow before your god, America!  And save your tears for something you mean.

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