Monday, June 24, 2013

An Irrelevant Anniversary

I missed my anniversary! June 16 marked the completion of my second year as a free man. I can report that life has become joyous to the point that the only time I think about the earlier misery is when someone asks about it. I'm not really sure what is being sought when church is brought up to me. Do I miss it? No, and I don't think any thinking person would, if they removed themselves from that life for a time. Do I miss preaching? No, my adult children were once teenagers; that was all of the having my every word ignored that I'll ever need. Do I miss the labor relations? Not even close, as I have found honest people with a genuine mission and real integrity to work for, which is pretty much all I ever asked.
I'll be starting my third year in a local school district in about six weeks. This year I'll be working with a High School class of special needs kids. I'm excited to have the opportunity to encourage and assist people who are open to and appreciative of that assistance. I deeply admire teachers and all that they accomplish under the most difficult of circumstances. It is a privilege to support and assist them in their work.
So, there it is. No more sleepless nights. No more headaches. No more pointless and unnecessary aggravation. The worst thing I've had to deal with in two years is Comcast. That's a pretty good life, by any definition!
And a vast improvement over the interminably fraudulent organization of previous decades' efforts.

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