Sunday, March 31, 2019


I'm an old retired white man who was born here and lived here all my life, and I know how horribly I feel about where things are with my country. 
I can't imagine how I would feel about it if I were in a religion other than redneck evangelical (pardon the redundancy, and, I'm no longer in that religion, but that's the protected group), a woman, born in another country (especially one to the south of the US, or in the Middle East that doesn't do business with the Trump Organization), a teacher, a union member, a member or spouse of the US military generally, and a transgender member of the military in particular, a member of the LGBTQ community, an African-American, a Latino, a journalist-you know, a real journalist-one who doesn't work at Fox News, a child who is incarcerated after being taken from their parents at the southern border, a parent who is incarcerated or deported whose child has been taken from them at the southern border, a person of color who has had a loved one gunned down in the street by the police, a person who has lived every minute they can remember of their lives here but now been torn from their family and work because they were brought here by their parents 20, 30, 40, or 50 years ago, and has never known life anywhere else, or any one of a thousand other groups that have had war declared on them by power.
But I'm trying to imagine.
I'm trying to understand.
Because that's the only way that any or all of this shit is going to be stopped.

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