Sunday, April 13, 2008

Humility Day

A request: if you do not understand the differences between self-confidence and dispassionate assessment on the one hand and arrogance on the other, please don't read this post.
Still here? OK.
I am as good a preacher as anyone in our little club. Sunday in and Sunday out, I do better than all but a select few, and as well as they do. Preaching and leading worship is clearly my best thing, I enjoy it, have enthusiasm and passion for it, and have a better grasp of the scriptures than the vast majority of our appointees. I get the principles of effective communication and am not coordinated enough to work from a manuscript, which benefits me and my congregation.
Still, there are moments when The Boss will very effectively remind me of the source of this gift.
I sucked this morning. Bad. Big, stinky, lousy sucking. I left the church embarrassed at what my people had been subjected to.
This is a good thing. There is nothing that reenergizes the preparation process like one of these days; nothing that guarantees maximum effort in the weeks ahead. Much like Big Papi starting the season 3 for 43, there will be some payback coming. Some lectionary texts are going to get a workout these next few months!

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