Monday, May 23, 2011

This Just In: God's Testing You!

Twice-revealed fraud Harold Camping has notified a desperately waiting world that he will have something to say on tonight's Family Radio International (whatever the hell that is) broadcast. Which will be remarkable, as he hasn't had anything to say yet. According to the Associated Press, Camping's underlings are attributing the non-Rapture to God playing tricks. That's understandable, as God has always been known for practical joking. Just look up the whole "Abraham and Isaac build an altar" joke in Genesis.
"Family Radio's special projects coordinator, Michael Garcia, said he believed the delay was God's way of separating true believers from those willing to doubt what he said were clear biblical warnings. 'Maybe this had to happen for there to be a separation between those who have faith and those who don't," he said. "It's highly possible that our Lord is delaying his coming.'"
Garcia, apparently the person in charge of Rapture-related activities for Family Radio, obviously sees God jerking around the merely semi-rapture prepared whackos. For those without the secret decoder ring to understand these con artists, this means that they still believe there is some money to wring out of the weak-minded, desperate and despondent in the world. Saturday's lack-of-rapture stories included a "mystified" New York retiree who had sunk his entire life savings of $141,000 into Family Radio to "publicize" the Crapture dreamed up by Camping and/or others who should be imprisoned for defrauding the defenseless stupid of the country and perhaps world.
So, to wrap-up and review:
Harold Camping: multiple defrauder
Michael Garcia, et al: accomplices
God: practical joking jerk
Followers of Camping: too gullible for words, probably deserving their losses, and, apparently, headed for round three of bogus rapture predictions after tonight's broadcast.
Good night, and good luck!

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