Monday, January 28, 2019

Brain Function Speed, Where Does Roger Stone Live Anyway, and Lindsey Graham's Lost Head, or, The Old NFL Ball Game!

You know, I wanted the Saints to win the NFC Championship, too. 
But, really.
The Conspiracy Theorists have now come up with the utterly meaningless factoid that four members of last week's refereeing crew live in southern California. Sure, if you care nothing for sports, or were on the moon, or, like Lindsey Graham, had you head completely buried up Trump's ass, there was a totally blown pass interference foul that should have been called on the Rams late in the game, that would have put the Saints about as deep in Rams' territory as they could get, with a guaranteed touchdown mere seconds away. 
At least that's the way that Saints devotees see things.
But here's the thing: do you really think that the referees are SO skilled that in that split second, the guy could process Pass Interference...but it's the Rams...and I'm from I want the Rams to I'm not going to call what I saw!
Newsflash: nobody's that good. Or that quick. The synapses just don't flash that way.
It's just like the JFK Assassination Dependents. If the NFL was going to conspire against anyone, it would have been the Patriots. Because the NFL offices hate the Patriots, and the Patriots hate the NFL offices.  Hello! Spygate! Inflategate! You know. The Patriots always get away with everything.

Except when they don't. 
But even if you want to believe this stupidity, do you really think that the CIA, or, in honor of Roger Stone's indictment and jailing, if you think Lyndon Baines Johnson somehow ran from his vehicle in the Dallas motorcade, shot Jack Kennedy in the head, and ran back to his car, without anyone...ANYONE...seeing him do that, as Stone pretty much claimed in his idiotic book, do you really think that the government could keep that quiet for 56 years? We know by 2 pm when Trump throws a fit over not getting an extra-large fry with his Big Mac at lunch! The NFL conspired to send 4 SoCal refs to rig the Rams-Saints game? Need I ask your opinion of the moon landings?
I suspect not.
If you're on board with this nonsense, well, just keep on MAGA-ing!

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