Wednesday, January 09, 2019

Captain Bonespurs And All His MAGA Tough Guys Need Their Blankie

Captain Bonespurs took to the airwaves tonight. The same networks that couldn't find the time for the legitimately elected to two terms President Obama to give a speech on immigration had plenty of time tonight to let the treasonous professional liar spew forth his terrifying fantasies.
I didn't watch him. I can't watch him. Whenever he appears on my television, I immediately want to Elvis the tv. 
I can't afford to replace our televisions on a daily basis. 
I have read some of what he said. He did not declare the rumored "National Emergency." This was his one shot to make the case for such a fascist, authoritarian, Nazi action. He cannot come back later and make that case. 
This was it.
He seems to have simply regurgitated, one more time, the same bullshit he's been peddling since the campaign, laced with some bizarre appeal to the "humanitarian" circumstances, as though there has ever been one moment of his increasingly pathetic life when he has given even the most minuscule shit about what's happening to anyone other than himself.
He doesn't care about the two children who have died. He doesn't care about the families who were in such fear for their children's lives in their home countries that they would make a multiple thousands mile march to a foreign land that is being run by a sociopath, simply to try to protect their children. He doesn't care about relations with Mexico, or crimes against humanity, where agents of the United States government, acting on his orders, have repeatedly violated Mexican sovereignty by firing tear gas and bullets into their country. He doesn't care about the circumstances of our troops, as he ordered thousands of them to the border. He doesn't care a whit about American law, which makes provision for people who approach our borders to make a lawful appeal for political asylum. He doesn't care about the damage that this entire charade and fiasco does to our standing amongst the family of nations around the world.
He just doesn't care.
I don't either.
But what I don't care about is the way this fascist manipulates his willfully ignorant supporters. I don't care about his cowardly stance toward people who are asking our help to save their lives, and their children's lives. I don't care what lies he tells to try to sell his stupid wall. He cannot have one single dollar to build a wall that announces to the world that the United States of America is afraid. Afraid of poor people. Afraid of brown people. Afraid of living up to our laws. Afraid of living up to our principles.
Afraid, afraid, afraid. The sum total of 21st Century American conservatism.
We cannot live that way.
The cowardly Captain Bonespurs, and his disgusting brand of cowardice, must be utterly and finally rejected over this idiotic fantasy of a wall that would keep all the scary, scary people away from our door.

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