Wednesday, August 14, 2019

"Thoughts and Prayers" My Ass

There have just been reports of a mass shooting it Philadelphia this time? I just can't keep up any more. 
But don't worry! The Thoughts and Prayers crowd is already on the job, ensuring that nothing will ever be done to stop this insanity!
If any of the myriad deities that segments of humanity worships, or has worshiped, was willing, or, more pointedly, able to do anything about human violence, don't you think that she, he, or it would have already done it? US mass shootings? Rwandan genocide? Vietnam? The Holocaust? World War II, generally? World War I? American lynchings of the post-Civil War period? Genocide against native peoples throughout the Americas? Crimean War? 
All the way back to the beginning of human existence!
Or, if there were anything to religion, don't you think that the various gawwds might be depicted by their own devotees, in their fairy tale books, as something more than bloodthirsty killers themselves?
Or, here in the real world, don't you think it might be time to stop crying out pointlessly to the sky for relief, and do something, ourselves, right here and right now, about our infinite capacity to kill ourselves?
But, then again, who am I kidding? There's WAY too much money in killing for what we willingly accept as our "leaders" to ever let go of the death and destruction.
But keep on praying! It just ensures that the gun manufacturers, the contractors for the Department of War, the private prison industry, and various strongman leaders around the world that have grown rich from stealing from their own minions will sleep on ever-growing piles of cash that we just can't wait to fork over to them.
To make us safe!

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