Saturday, March 24, 2007

He's At It Again

The President of the United States is now, through his Iraq war, responsible for more American deaths than is Osama Bin Laden for the September 11, 2001 attacks. He has waged this war for longer than US forces were in World War II. He has consistently lied to National Guard members and Reservists about the length of their service, and to Army personnel about their number of rotations. And now POTUS has the anatomy to berate the congress for not supporting the troops.
Now, we all know at this point that the English language is not Mr. President's friend. That being said, how does one work it around in his mind that it is supportive to keep battle-fatigued, under-equipped men and women in harm's way, while holding that it is non-supportive to bring those same persons home, intact, to their families and lives?
Mr. President tells us that we must stay the course until we institute democracy in Iraq. If Mr. President believed so deeply in democracy, he would have told his brother not to cheat in November, 2000, and would have retired to his ranch to do Viagra ads, make speeches, and do whatever else failed candidates do when they have been defeated. Ah, but he believes that God chose him to be Mr. President in these difficult days.
Sir, if God wanted you to be Mr. President, God would have found other means than stealing two elections to make that happen. You see, and I know these will be foreign concepts for you, God operates openly, and with integrity. You might try those approaches yourself, sometime.
The congress is simply recalling that we elected them, legitimately for a change, to make changes in your war. It is a rare action called acting on the will of the people. Look it up, Mr. President; an old guy named Jefferson had a lot to say on the subject. We have had it with the pointless deaths of our young women and men who are only trying to serve honorably and faithfully. Again, sir, concepts you might want to try sometime.
We have understood your problem for some time. Maybe this will help: OK, we're convinced: you are a tougher, stronger man than your dad! Happy now? Good. Bring the kids home. Now. And, by the way, that would be the greatest show of real strength that you could make, you buffoon. The only thing you have accomplished in Iraq is killing more than 3,200 of our people and God only knows how many of theirs. You got rid of Saddam? Hallelujah! Now, when we finally leave, they will wind up with somebody as bad if not worse, to keep order amongst all the factions who want to kill each other.
You are a joke. Your Presidency is a sham. Your Administration is hopelessly corrupt. You have guaranteed that the children and grandchildren of people you have killed in Iraq-people who had no warmth for Saddam Hussein-will be looking for opportunities to kill my children and grandchildren as long as they live. You have turned the nations of the world against us. Even Tony Blair can't stick with you anymore. You are bankrupting us. And you are so stubborn that you will never change directions.
This is why I struggle with all your faith talk. Because conversion means that a person recognized that the direction they were headed in was wrong, and that they needed to move in another direction. You display no evidence of having learned that lesson. Hey, give it a try. It works. I have lived it. So have billions of other people who've come to grips with God's claim on our lives. Even you can learn something! Lent is a really good time for this. Repent, sir, for you have sinned and sinned grievously. A week from Friday we will mark the moment when Christ took all of our sins on himself, and destroyed them on the cross. Turn this over to him. End this war. End this killing. Bring our people home before another IED blows up, before another boy comes home with half his head blown off, or before another family has to bury a young daughter. Parents shouldn't have to bury their children. But of course, you know that; you've sure kept your kids far, far away from this damned war.
If I had my way, for just a day, I would put your kids, and Cheney's, and Wolfowitz' and Rumsfeld's too, on the front lines. Because if all you guys think the war is so right and proper, you should have sent your own kids before you asked for mine, or anyone else's. But you didn't, because you don't. You know the truth. You just disregard it. And that's inexcusable.
Shame on you!
And thank God for a majority in the Congress that now actually, really, supports the troops.

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