Monday, September 22, 2008

The $700 Billion Bailout of Whom?

"Democrats demanded that the measure limit pay packages for executives of companies helped by the biggest financial rescue since the Great Depression. The administration was balking at that, and also at a proposal by Democrats to let judges rewrite mortgages to lower bankrupt homeowners’ monthly payments." Associated Press, 22 September, 2008

There is no clearer statement of the difference in the two American political parties than this: King George II and his cronies want one more opportunity to pay off the Pioneers before leaving office. This administration has no intention of helping the American people whose backs are against the wall. They only wish to further cushion the landings of the fatcats whose demand for deregulation, whose importuning to "trust us" created this fiasco in the first place.

His majesty wants one more blank check for the people who brought you trillions of dollars of irresponsible spending in Iraq, and billions spent after Katrina on people other than those who lost everything. This from the same "philosophy" that gave us the Savings and Loan debacle twenty years ago, one part of which was the discovery of the Senators who took bribes from one S&L operator named Charles Keating to cover up the deregulated corruption as it was happening. Let's see now, one of those Keating Senators had a familiar name...was it...McLane...McDane...Oh yeah, I got it: McCain!
I wonder what those reform conscious Republicans ever did with that bribe-taking, corruption-covering-up, Washington insider?

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