Saturday, September 20, 2008

The True Conservative Position

It's all about the money.
Ultimately, it's never about anything else for the conservatives. I will never forget the speech that George I gave at his second nominating convention. Polite applause for all of the talking points: abortion, homosexuality, school vouchers and so on. But the eruption came with the main point: Read my lips, no new taxes. I remember it so clearly, because it was the last of their conventions I watched. Keeps my blood pressure down, don't you know.
By the way, all of the "social conservative" points are all about money. I'm not talking about the decent, well intentioned people out there in the red states. I'm talking about the ones you see on TV and hear on the radio. For them, it's all about the money. They don't give a damn about aborted babies. They just don't want to pay taxes that might go to the bills of poor women.
This is precisely why government is bad, according the the right-wing whacko mantra: it takes my money.
Interesting, then, isn't it, that the first word out of the mouths of all the big, unregulated banks and investment houses when things went belly-up for them over the last few weeks: GOVERNMENT!
I don't disagree with the government assisting them, by the way. That's what the government should be doing: helping those who need help.
I just wish there were some reason to believe that this month has been an epiphany for George II and the rest of them. I would love to believe that they now understand that they need to be helping those who are hard up against it. Like the unemployed, and not just those afraid of becoming unemployed. Like the poor, not just those afraid of becoming poor after another bad week for the Dow.
For decades, conservatives have labeled the government bad any time that a finger was lifted to improve the lot of people having problems.
Perhaps now, they will see the light.
And monkeys will fly out of my butt.
Vote Obama.

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