Tuesday, September 16, 2008

More Evidence for the Ballot Box

The Republican mantra from the time of the 1980 Reagan campaign: "Government isn't the solution to our problems. Government is the problem!" Always spoken to great cheering.
Nobody is cheering now.
Enron. Bear Stearns. Lehman Brothers. Merrill Lynch. More airlines than you can count. Fannie Mae. Freddie Mac.
Deregulate Everything, along with Don't Tax the Rich, are now thoroughly discredited as the sum total of Republican economic policy. To everyone, that is, except Sen. McCain. Today he was making the rounds to try another explanation for his "the fundamentals of our economy are strong" pronouncement. Today's attempt: "I mean that the productivity of the American worker is fundamentally strong." Get real!
The American worker isn't working. The jobs are all in Singapore. Or Malaysia. Or China. Being performed by prisoners. Or children. Or women, locked into sweatshops and dreaming of being treated as well as slaves.
The big companies, unmonitored, became too big, too greedy, too stupid. So they have, over and over again, killed the Golden Goose. And we foot the bill for all of it.
Republicans believe that you trust corporations to do the right thing, and regulate people, because they won't act right.
Democrats know that you can trust the people, but you trust these corporations only as far as you can throw Wall Street, and even then, to your own peril. Our regulating should be limited to those who steal the retirements of elderly Americans, who finance the movement of our entire manufacturing sector to foreign countries, who cynically count on the government that they do not trust to save their asses when they screw up. That would be the corporations.
How can anyone really want to keep these same people, with their same idiotic policies and ideas, in charge?

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