Thursday, September 04, 2008

Old and Tired

Senator McCain's speech is made. It was, indeed, old and tired.
I do not aim those words at the Senator. Just his rhetoric.
The Senator decried Washington, the Washington that he has been part of for 26 years. He decried the financial irresponsibility of Washington, the Washington that his party has run for the last eight years. When Bill Clinton left office, this country had a record surplus in the bank. George W. Bush and the Republican Congress that ruled for the first six years of the Bush administration have squandered that surplus and run up the greatest debt in the history of our nation. Not "Tax and Spend Democrats." Republicans, the "financial conservatives", have done this. The only sacrifice that Bush called for was for the wealthiest Americans to wrench their arms reaching for their wallets so that, for the first time in our history, he could dump another tax cut into their pockets. Senator McCain knew, at the time, that was a bad idea. Candidate McCain wants to extend those same tax cuts. And, apparently, incur the even greater deficits that will come with them.
There desperately needs to be a change. But change cannot come by leaving the reins in the same hands that have held them for the last eight years, hands that have failed miserably.
Morally bankrupt from a war that should never have been fought, financially bankrupt from the waste in Iraq, out of ideas after showing the Neocon "vision" for what it is (bullshit), McCain has no option but to deny any responsibility for the Bush years.
And, by the way Senator McCain, Barack Obama has never, ever, claimed to be put in place by God to be President, not once, not ever. But one person did, indeed, make that claim about himself: George W. Bush. And, clearly, if King George II is accurate in that assessment, God has a lot to learn about American politics.

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