Tuesday, October 07, 2008

John McCain: Lying Bastard

In the 2000 Republican primary in South Carolina, John McCain was the target of one of the ugliest, most vile examples of dirty politics in American history. This atrocious attack was perpetrated by Karl Rove on behalf of the governor of Texas, soon to subvert the Constitution of the United States of America by stealing an election won by Al Gore. The lie went like this: Rove, following the example of his guru, the thoroughly evil Lee Atwater, set up a phone bank that posed as a polling agency. The Bush operatives then called Republican voters throughout South Carolina asking those who answered the phone this question: "Would it affect your opinion of Senator McCain to learn that he fathered a mixed-race child out of wedlock?" The reality is that John McCain and his wife had adopted a Viet Namese child, a genuinely noble act. But that little darker-skinned girl looked to many South Carolinians like a black child, and since she was with the Senator and his wife as they campaigned, the Bush campaign scored an upset victory (after having lost in the early primaries to Sen. McCain), and were set on the road to the Republican nomination and, ultimately, their occupation of the White House.
At the time, McCain decried that kind of politics.
As recently as April 24, 2008, McCain told Fox alleged News that he would not engage in negative campaigning, as it had no place in American life.
The Senator has had an epiphany.
He is losing the election to Sen. Barack Obama.
So, now, with Karl Rove on board the "Straight Talk Express" (more of a joke every day), McCain and his Pitbull in Lipstick have labeled Obama a terrorist (his alleged "connection" to Bill Ayers-see the earlier post), have taken up Hillary Clinton's trick of identifying Sen. Obama by his middle name (which I'm guessing he did not choose, as most of us don't), and even, at one of Gov. Palin's rallies today, failed to challenge a shout from the audience for someone to kill Sen. Obama.
These people, these pathetic people, have realized that they are losing the election to Sens. Obama and Biden. And they have decided that the means, any means, will be justified by their ends. But this is what Republicans do.
Look up Katherine Harris from 2000. Look up Kenneth Blackwell from 2004. Look up the Swiftboaters. Look up Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas. When elections don't go the way that Republicans want, they lie, cheat, and, ultimately, steal those elections.
And "maverick" Senators act just like every other piece of garbage that Karl Rove has worked for. Not much rebellion in that. No change, whatsoever, in evidence there. Just the same old garbage we have suffered through for the last eight years!

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