This is William Ayers in 1968. He was a member of the Weather Underground. They opposed the Viet Nam war and anything else the US government was up to. They did bad things. Some of those bad things were bombings. In one of their bombings, a San Francisco police officer was killed. In another, the bomb went off unexpectedly, and killed three members of their own group.
Barack Obama was 8 years old when the Weather Underground bombings took place.

This is William Ayers today. In the 1980s, Ayers earned two Masters Degrees and a Doctorate in early childhood education, curriculum development and instruction. He became a respected authority in his field, publishing many articles and books. He was used by Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley as a consultant in remaking the city school system. He served on the board of the Woods Fund, a Chicago charity fighting poverty.
He was an author on an Annenberg Foundation grant that brought $49.2 million to the Chicago city schools.
A young community organizer named Barack Obama was named to the board that oversaw the spending of the Annenberg grant.
When Obama first ran for office, Bill Ayers hosted a fundraiser for him.
Pitbull with Lipstick is now spewing her talking points, attempting to make Barack Obama a terrorist via his "ties" to William Ayers.
I'm glad she's not after me. Because if Obama is a terrorist through William Ayers, I must be a dictator. After all, I've read a book about Adolph Hitler. And another about Josef Stalin. But then again, in a world where the view from some portion of your state constitutes foreign policy experience, I guess it makes sense(?).
Recap: As an 8 year old child, Barack Obama was responsible for the behavior of the Weather Underground.

This is the mug shot of Charles Keating.
The last time that the crooked Republicans (redundant, I know) decided to take all the regulations off of financial institutions, it was the Savings and Loans in the 1980's. Thieves like Keating, operator of Lincoln Savings and Loan, saw their opportunity, but, at the same time, wanted to cover their asses. So, Keating bought protection, in the form of several US Senators, via his campaign contributions. One of those protectors was John McCain.
Keating went to jail for 5 years for his shenanigans. McCain, examined by those rough investigators-his fellow senators-escaped with a reprimand for his "poor judgement."
Today, we're encouraged to elect John McCain our President based on the solidity of his judgement.
What must those ever-vigilant Republican watchdogs think of this fellow, found at age 58 to have protected a crook who stole from grandmas and grandpas all over America? After all, if an 8 year old is responsible, what must be the responsibility of someone almost 60?
This is the best they can do to come up with "dirt" on Barack Obama?
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