Thursday, October 09, 2008

Thus Saith The Beer Baroness!

Cindy McCain joined the Lying Express All Stars yesterday. Her Foaminess declared that Barack Obama should try wearing her stilettos (That's her term, not my sarcasm!) for a day. That's because she has a son in Iraq, and Barack voted to cut funds for the troops!
Now...the rest of the story, ie: the truth. Barack Obama voted against a defense appropriation bill for the Iraq war because it did not contain a timetable for bringing home the troops. Here's what Her Royal Kegger left out: her husband, Sen. John McCain, voted against another defense appropriation bill for the Iraq war because it did contain a timetable for bringing home the troops!
Surely Mrs. Drunken Driving Enabler will be back on the hustings today, decrying the lack of patriotism, not to mention fatherly responsibility, that her husband exhibited in denying their own son the bucks to be safe! I would suspect that she will be filing for divorce by the end of the week! How could she, or any mother, stay married to such an irresponsible politician as John McCain?
The reality, of course, is that votes like those described above are usually procedural matters that allow members of the Senate, just like those in the House, to make their stands for the policies that they advocate. The troops were never, are not now, and never will be in fear that they will be stranded in combat zones with no ammunition, inadequate or faulty equipment, or...oh, wait...that's just how those great troop supporters Bush and Cheney sent them into war in the first place!
How many of our kids would be alive, or whole, today if they had had body armor, properly fitted Humvees and everything else they should have had before anyone even thought about sending them into action. Now, there is something to righteously bitch about, Lady Lager!

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