Thursday, October 02, 2008

Vice Presidential Debate Prep

Wasilla City, AK, population (2000 US Census): 7,028
Humboldt, TN, population (2000 US Census): 9,467

Alaska population (2000 US Census): 670,053
Memphis population (2000 US Census): 674,028

Gov. Sarah Palin's tenure governing 670,053 people: 1.5 years
Mayor W.W. Herenton's tenure governing 674,028 people: 18 years

Humboldt, TN, Mayor James Hill holds a part-time job. His city is approximately 33% larger than the town Sarah Palin served as Mayor.

No one seems to be mentioning James Hill or W.W. Herenton as candidates for Vice President of the United States of America. Odd. They each have more experience than Gov. Palin.
Regardless of the view from the Aleutian toe of her state.

Vote Obama-Biden. For God's sake. And ours.

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